On the one day it wasn't too foggy, Ben and I went up the East Berlin TV tower for views of the city.
From the top: looking west, looking north, looking east.
An official checks his handy (cell-phone), while walking past a new government building.
The Reichstag, parliament building.
Looking down at the parlimentary assembly hall.
The future geologist makes a pilgrimage to visit the original Archaeopteryx. This fossil is famous for showing the characteristics of both a bird and a dinosaur, giving credence to the theory that birds evolved from these sauropods.
A crystalline formation that encorporates both of our birthstones: Chalcedony (August) and Amethyst (February).
After spending an afternoon at the Judisches Museum (highly recommended), and visiting the New Synagogue, we stopped for a bite to eat at the neighboring Jewish restaraunt.
Berlin street, under construction, with the New Synagogue and TV tower in the background.