
05.30.11 | Permalink | 1 Comment

Bizarrely, Austin kids had school today, on this Memorial Day. It was to make up for a snow day. I don’t know what to think about that. But it seems very strange.

I’m, of course, rather behind, but now I’ll do a little catch-up by posting pictures from April. Now that we’re almost out of May. Oh well. Better late than never?

At the end of March and into April, Ben was doing field research in Guam. Sean’s grandma thankfully flew in for a weekend to help Sean’s mom with, well, Sean (and cleaning and cooking and all those other things that have to happen in life). We all had a lot of fun; things are a lot more relaxing with two adults…

(taken by grandma)

(taken by grandma)

Dad and Sean were super happen to see each other when Ben got back and spent lots of time together.

One morning we did brunch at Magnolia Cafe and checked out an area playground.

And a few Sean close-ups:



05.22.11 | Permalink | Comment?


05.21.11 | Permalink | Comment?

Glasses are a constant source of fascination. Here I manage to eat breakfast in between requests to put my glasses on Sean.


05.18.11 | Permalink | 2 Comments

So… does Sean get his goofball tenancies from his dad or his mom? Both? Someone else entirely? Feel free to elaborate in the comments.


05.16.11 | Permalink | 1 Comment

Sean with his pet alligator:

5 Cut

05.13.11 | Permalink | 1 Comment

I couldn’t resist the $1 foam swords at Target. Here’s Sean working on his 5 cut and his (saber?) yell. (Since we don’t know if he’s righty or lefty, I figured it’d be good to put a sword in both hands…)

Feeding Daddy

05.09.11 | Permalink | Comment?

Sean has a generous spirit and likes to share surprisingly often with his parents. Here he is making sure his daddy is getting enough to eat.


05.05.11 | Permalink | Comment?

Giraffe Card

04.26.11 | Permalink | 1 Comment

This is a couple months old now, but it involves a giraffe, so is necessary to post for the giraffe fans out there. (You know who you are.) Sean got a nice card from his “adopted East Coast auntie Anne,” which he still likes to take out and “read” these days.


You Spin Me Right ‘Round

04.24.11 | Permalink | 1 Comment

…like a record CD, baby, right ’round, right ’round…

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