Feeling Better

12.04.10 | Permalink | 2 Comments

Two and a half weeks ago Sean came down with a nasty stomach bug. After a miserable Thursday, he finally stopped throwing up. Friday I knew I would be staying home with the sick kid, and expected it to be a pretty low-key affair with lots of sleep and cuddles and books. Boy, was I wrong. The first thing Sean did was to head for the stairs and climb all the way up to the second floor. Note, he’d never done this before. In fact, he’d never done more than a few stairs before. But he zipped up like a pro, all the while singing to himself doot-di-doot-di-doot. That Friday I spend chasing around a nearly-fully-recovered kid with energy to burn. (Wish I’d had the same energy…)

Here he starts out on the second half of our split-level stairs:

And here he finishes. Apologies for the poor video; we accidentally hit a button on the camera by mistake. I’ve included it, though, for the great doot-di-doot-di-doot soundtrack.

Ten Months Old!

11.27.10 | Permalink | Comment?

Happy ten months, Sean!
(We don’t have so many photos today because Mom’s quite sick, Sean has a cold and may be teething, and Dad’s holding down the fort…)

Sock? (or, Sean Helps with the Laundry)

11.25.10 | Permalink | Comment?

Sunday in the Park with … Sean

11.24.10 | Permalink | Comment?

On Sundays we like to go to the park, hang out, enjoy the weather, swing on the swings, read the local culinary magazines… Here are some photos from the past few Sundays. We’d like to go to the park tomorrow as part of our Thanksgiving day, but that will require 1) decent weather; and 2) a healthy little boy. Cross your fingers for us.

“Hey, what’s the deal with this ‘gravity’ thing?”

11.19.10 | Permalink | Comment?

It keeps making me fall down. Turn it off. Please.


11.17.10 | Permalink | 1 Comment


11.14.10 | Permalink | Comment?

“Okay, Sean (a.ka. Mr.-Constantly-In-Motion), I’m taking the video now. You’re on. Go to it!” I said…

New Books and Old Pastimes

11.12.10 | Permalink | 1 Comment

A couple weeks ago Sean got a package in the mail.

It was from his grandma and he was very excited to discover it contained crumpled up newspaper, which was perfect for waving around, crunching up, and — of course — tasting.

But wait! There were other items in the package, too!

Grandma had sent several new books, which became new favorites very quickly. Sean made us read Big Dog Little Dog and The Going to Bed Book over and over and over. I think one night shortly after the package arrived, we read BDLD five times in a row (before Mom, not Sean, got tired of it). He’s also enjoying opening the flaps in Where’s Spot? I was impressed how quickly he figured out to use both hands to open the doors to the closet.

These new books were great and got Sean interested in reading again; he’d been getting a bit bored with his old books.

But other pastimes are still as fun as ever. To wit:

and Jumping

Up and About

11.11.10 | Permalink | Comment?

These videos are already a bit out-of-date. They’re from about a week and a half ago. Already Sean is standing up and moving about better than here. But they’re kinda cute, so here you go:

#7 and #8

11.10.10 | Permalink | 1 Comment

As I mentioned on Monday, Sean got a new tooth last week. That would be tooth #7. It came without much fanfare. He started to put off-center pressure on my breast when feeding, which was the first tip-off. Then there was a fountain of drool, when he’d sorta stopped drooling so much. And he seemed extra eager to chew on things. So we were suspicious. Sure enough, we could see and feel it by Thursday.

Then the drool tapered off and the breastfeeding got back to normal over the weekend. Then today I noticed when picking him up from daycare that the front of his shirt was drenched with drool. I looked in, and yup! Tooth #8 joined the party. These were by far the easiest teeth, in part, I think, because he has better coping skills than when he was just 4 or 5 months old. Not looking forward to the molars. (But we have the canines first, if they decide to come in order.)

Here’s tooth #7 on the right. And about-to-come-in tooth #8 on the left. (Picture is from last Thursday.)

In case you haven’t been keeping detailed notes, let me review:

Teeth #1 and #2 came in early June when Sean had just turned 4 months old. Teeth #3, #4, and #5 came in mid-July. Not wanting to be predictable, tooth #6 held out until the end of July — right around Sean’s 6-month birthday. So it’s been about three and a half months since we’ve had a new tooth. A nice hiatus, especially considering all the craziness of moving.

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