Bumper Stickers

When I was in Germany and thinking about my return to the US, I wasn’t thinking about bumper stickers. It wasn’t until I was back here and had started to settle back in again, that I did. more...



Ten Laps of Thought

Mid-morning the gym is used by the local school. I run above the gym, on an elevated track belonging to the YWCA. And as I run, I can peer down below at the kids playing at recess, getting short glimpses as I round a bend in the track and head out along the straightaway. more...



Turning On

I was thinking of the question Paul Burkhouse had asked in the phone interview. He had inquired about my mechanical inclinations and to clarify, had asked: “if you turned on your computer and nothing happened, what would you do?” more...



Zwei Frauen
(Two Women)






(Hay Bales)



Das Kreuz
(The Cross)



(Chapel of St. Leonhard)



Winterblick vom Balkon
(Winter View from the Balcony)



Der Hofraum
(The Farmyard)






Bayrische Kirche
(Bavarian Church)



Die Kuh
(The Cow)

