Sheep With A Blue Hat (3/20)

04.06.10 | Permalink | 1 Comment

So one evening it was getting to be bedtime, but Sean was still happily awake and partaking in his favorite hobby: looking at things. From his little bed, there’s not really a lot to see close up, as we removed things that could potentially fall from the wall next to the bed. There’s this stuffed animal sheep with a music box inside that was given to us by Mima; it plays white noise and has been a great help in getting Sean to fall asleep. So I took this sheep and put it next to his bed. But then we just had a white sheep against a white wall and newborns like contrast. So I took a little blue washcloth that was nearby and stuck it on the sheep’s head. The artwork ‘Sheep With A Blue Hat’ became an instant hit…

Lap Baby (3/19)

04.05.10 | Permalink | Comment?

It’s hard to wake up (3/17)

04.02.10 | Permalink | Comment?

We all know babies sometimes have trouble calming down and going to sleep. But they also sometimes have trouble waking up… just like the rest of us.

Stats at 2 months

04.01.10 | Permalink | Comment?

At our 2 month pediatrician appointment, Sean weighed in at 12 lbs 15 oz (before a feeding), and 23.75″ (although we think he could have stretched it out to 24″ if he had willingly straightened his leg).

Tummy Time (3/14)

04.01.10 | Permalink | Comment?

Babies are supposed to spend time on their tummies while awake to help strengthen neck and back muscles (now that they’re supposed to be put to sleep on their backs all the time). Sean’s not a fan of being on his tummy, but is willing to be so if his chest is propped up a bit. Here Ben distracts him, too.

Sean, March

03.31.10 | Permalink | Comment?

The following are pictures from the past couple weeks that didn’t get up onto the web in a timely manner…

First Stroller Ride (3/14)

Slept through the whole thing...

Lisa made this cute sweater for Sean. He got to wear it this once, but alas, he has outgrown it already! (And it's gotten crazy warm out...)

Baby asleep on chest. Aaaahhhh... (3/16)

Reading (3/22)

Baby asleep on chest. Aaaahhh...

Eyelashes (3/27)

Two Month Smile

03.28.10 | Permalink | Comment?

Two Months Old

03.27.10 | Permalink | 1 Comment

Mr. Sean (aka ‘The Little Barracuda’ aka ‘Swaddle-dini’ aka ‘The Voracious Burrito’) is now two months old!

Here he is today and one month ago. Boy, has this boy grown!

Month 2

Month 2

Month 1

More two month pictures:


Sean and Mom enjoy looking at the light fixture together

Sean and Dad

Team Guava

Looking at Things and other hobbies

03.09.10 | Permalink | Comment?

It’s been almost six weeks since Sean was born. He has developed some hobbies, one of which is looking at things.

Here he looks at the light fixture in the living room. What do you suppose he sees when he looks at it? I note that he seems to be particularly keen on feeding afterward…

Here he examines a mobile hung temporarily in the baby room / guest room / office:

And he looks on as his dad reads him The Snowy Day:

We’re getting a daily allotment of smiles these days:

On Sunday, Ben fed him breastmilk from a bottle. “They” say to introduce a bottle early enough so that the baby doesn’t reject it. To be honest, I rather doubt our little ravenous beast would ever reject anything that dispensed milk. He quickly plowed through four ounces and would have happily kept drinking had we given him more.

Artsy photo of the day: Little Hand

Updated Statistics

03.02.10 | Permalink | Comment?

As of March 2, Sean weighs 11 lbs, 1 oz and is 22.5 inches long.
On February 7, he was 9 lbs, 2 oz and 21 inches long.
Clearly we are starving the poor child.

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