As of June 24, 2010, Sean is 27″ long and 16 lbs, 14 oz. He has grown 1.5″ and >1.5 lbs in less than a month.
As of June 24, 2010, Sean is 27″ long and 16 lbs, 14 oz. He has grown 1.5″ and >1.5 lbs in less than a month.
A couple weeks ago we had a very difficult week at the end of which two teeth popped up into Sean’s mouth. Some photos from that week:
When he’s awake, Sean is the most cheerful baby and tons of fun to play with:
Tick Tock
William Tell Overture
City and Country Boys
Sean’s never been too keen on tummy time, but we try to make it fun with lots of laughing and cheering. Ben’s been rolling Sean from back to side and side to front and back again. By now he can roll from his back to his side to his back by himself. He seems uninterested in getting to the tummy, though he might be able to do so if he tried.
Here’s Ben rolling Sean almost all the way onto his tummy and Sean making his way back to his back.
And here’s a Sean-eye view of what it’s like down on the floor:
In the past three days, Sean has had two teeth pop through his gums! It’s the lower two middle incisors, generally the first to come in (according to the books). Their partners in the gum above look poised to make their own entrance sometime soon. But it looks like the worst of the pain of the lower two is over (for Sean, anyway… for mom it’s only just begun).
Yesterday, with the help of a small army of friends, we converted our guest room / office into a full nursery, moving Sean’s crib from our bedroom to one of his very own. This was due to a hellish week of nights where he’d wake constantly and not go back to sleep well. Diagnosis: the ‘double whammy’ (as Erin puts it) of growth spurt and teething. Anyway, this past week both Ben and I were up every time Sean was due to crib location. Now only one of us has to get up when he’s up. Much better. Last night was his first night there and he did quite well. It took several hours to get him to sleep, as he seemed to be rather disoriented and upset (and, it turns out, the second tooth was about to erupt). But once he was asleep the rest of the night proceeded pretty normally, although we both got up for breastfeeding, as I haven’t yet figured out how to get him out of the crib and onto my lap with a boppy underneath him — at least in a smooth way.
Here’s a little video of Sean on his 4 month birthday. Who knew such momentous events were to occur soon after?
There is a pair of new faculty in my department and they have two young kids. I have learned that one kid and one parent form the ‘Cuddle Team’ and the other kid and other parent form the ‘Wiggle Team’. If Sean were to join one of these teams, he would most definitely be on the Wiggle Team. At least two baby-loving people (with years and years of baby-holding experience) who have held Sean have remarked about how wiggly he; he’s just in constant motion.
One dinnertime, Sean was hanging out in his bouncer so his parents could eat and was wiggling to the extreme. We decided that we’d get a video of the wiggly-ness, so Ben grabbed the camera, turned it on, and pointed it towards Wiggle Boy. The result:
Right. So he’s Wiggle Boy with a Sense of Comedic Timing. Ben persevered and eventually caught Wiggle Boy on video:
A few pictures from earlier in the month when Sean was sick and afterward…