
01.18.11 | Permalink | 1 Comment

Over vacation, Sean learned the important skill of clinking glasses at the table. (And now he wants to practice it every chance he can get…)

Christmas Toy

01.16.11 | Permalink | Comment?

Sean plays with a new Christmas toy:

Eleven Months Old!

01.15.11 | Permalink | Comment?

Okay, this post is a little rather late. Better late than never? Two days after Christmas we were all still reeling from the festivities and Sean wasn’t feeling very well. And he was about to learn to walk. So he didn’t have much patience for sitting for the camera. We got just a couple pictures.

(Okay, that’s good. I’m done now…)

Winter Vacation

01.14.11 | Permalink | Comment?

Things I did on my winter vacation (by Sean)

1. Investigated the plumbing of Mima and Papa’s house. (Yes, it appears to work okay.)

2. Climbed some stairs. (And climbed them again. And again. And again.)

3. Explored “snow” for the first time. (Weird stuff. We don’t get that where we live…)

4. Read some new books

5. Hung out with my relatives. (Here, Grandma and I are communing.)

(And here I am getting to know my cousin Zander. I think he’s really fun!)

Christmas Day

01.09.11 | Permalink | Comment?

Pictures and videos from Christmas day:

A new ball!

What’s going on? You said “stockings.” I’m trying to figure it all out…

Hey, all these new toys are fun!

More toys, wow…

Sean and his cousin Garrett. (A 3.5 year preview?)

First family Christmas. (Sean’s holding a stuffed animal sheep.)

Playing by the tree at Mima and Papa’s

A merry Christmas, indeed…


12.19.10 | Permalink | 1 Comment


12.18.10 | Permalink | Comment?

Advent Calendar

12.16.10 | Permalink | 2 Comments

Mima sent Sean an Advent calendar for his first Christmas. He’s been enjoying opening the flaps:


12.15.10 | Permalink | Comment?

Someone is figuring out how to throw a ball! (And please ignore the mom who keeps trying to get Sean to say “ball.” He says it all the time, but not, apparently, when he’s focused on throwing them.)

WIT: Walking with Fingers

12.06.10 | Permalink | 1 Comment

Some outdoor videos of Sean’s current favorite pastime.

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