Just in time for Christmas: Halloween pictures! Here we see Sean modeling the latest in designer feline stripes… actually, I’m really proud of this costume. I know it’s a fairly simple tunic, but I’m a novice sewer and it fit him so nicely! (One of the shoulders is velcro-ed to get the thing over his head — and even then it was a bit of a squeeze.)
The Thursday before Halloween, Sean’s daycare had a trick or treat party in the parking lot. Here is Sean with Laura, his toddler teacher. Laura’s been taking care of Sean since February and we love her. Sadly she’s moving to Houston and yesterday was her last day.
The (Sun)day before Halloween, the University of Texas had a huge party for children of faculty and staff. We took Sean, not knowing what to expect. There were crafts tables and games and all sorts of stuff, but here’s what Sean liked most:
1) Climbing the escalators (even though they weren’t running) and then turning around and realizing that going down requires big steps down and there’s not a reachable railing. Therefore coming down requires Mom’s assistance. He did this a few times and tried to do it many many many more times.
2) Running up and down a hallway ramp. It was even better when Mom played, too.
3) Going out on stage where all the dancers just were. (The thing he pulls off his costume is a sticker.)
Off all the planned and offered activities, a couple did interest him. Actually, he desperately wanted to go in the police car and fire truck, and it was hard waiting in line. But once he was there, he seemed to be a bit dazed. And he was very unhappy having to come out again… back to running hallway ramps.
(Yes, he’s trying to pull out the fire axe. Of course.)
Well done on the sewing (I have zero sewing skills!). Yes, I think Sean and Alasdair would be great friends! 😉