


11.10.11 | 2 Comments

Yesterday Sean and I went to the park after daycare. Sean had just this past weekend made it up the climbing wall there with little help from his dad. So he immediately headed for the wall and I grabbed my camera. I love this set of three videos that capture wall climbs #1, #2, and #4 (#3 was a lot like #4), because they show how quickly he’s learning everything these days and you get a feel for his talking, too. I know not everyone can understand him as well as Ben and I can, so I’ve put a transcript below each video.

Climb #1: First Try

Transcript: “Green one, blue one. Green one. Blue one. Help! Help me! Help!”

I stopped the video there to go and help. I supported his body while he found where to put his foot and then physically helped guide him up the rest of it. He did make it to the top.

Climb #2: The Blue Route

Transcript: Sean: “Yellow one. Yellow. Yellow one. Help!”;  Me: “Put your foot on the yellow one.”
Sean: “Yellow one.”;  Me: “There you go.”
Sean: “Blue one.”;  Me: “Blue one.”
Sean: “Another blue one.;  Me: “Another blue one.”
Sean: “Another blue one.”;  Me: “Another blue one.”
Sean: [not sure what he says here];  Me: “Maybe try the red one.”
Sean: “Red one.”;  Me: “Oh, you got it.”
Sean: “Red one? Red one?”

I end the video here to discourage Sean from trying to figure out what I meant by “red one” by climbing back down.

Climb #3: All by Himself

Transcript: “Green. Another green. Red. Daddy do it. Right there. Climb up wall. O- Climb up wall. Climb up wall. Climb up. Climb up wall. Yay! Bumpy slide. Bumpy slide time. Bumpy. Slide. Hee! Bumpy. Bumpy. Bumpy.”

I don’t know what else to say. Except, “we’re doomed!” And, “do climbing gyms give discounts for kids under 2?!?”



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