On 12/31/2010, Sean took his first unassisted step. On 1/1/2011, Sean took his first set of multiple steps. Within two weeks, he was walking around the library, starting and stopping at will, standing, looking around, choosing a direction mid-walk. He was squatting to pick things up off the floor without holding on to anything. And he was carrying large items around with a fair amount of ease.
During that first week, though, this was his favorite game: walk to Mommy, hug, walk to Daddy, hug, repeat. (Our comments in this video stem from the fact that he was doing this game really well until we started recording him, so it took several tries to get it on video…)
It should be noted that those first “multiple steps” on 1/1/11 were to get at a pair of scissors left on a coffee table.
“Kid catch”, I like it! 🙂