Sean is turning the pages of his board books (using his left hand to cross his body and pull), which Ben knew about already, but I just discovered. He apparently likes some pages more than others. And he definitely prefers some books over others. It’s neat to see his preferences start to emerge.
He also moves a bit now. Not in any of the customary ways, though. He tacks. Like a boat. Lying down, he rolls to one side and then pivots his lower body. Then he rolls to his other side and repeats. (He does also give a little foot scooch on the roll, but most of the distance come from the roll-pivot action.) As a side note, he would also willingly roll himself off a bed; he tacked his way up a bed today and I was curious if he’d go off the end or stop and do something else. Result: yep, happy to go off the end — after all there was something interesting on the floor. No, I didn’t let him actually fall off the bed.
And he’s fond of turning lights on and off. Wall switches here in Minnesota. But he quickly got the hang of pull-chains in Maine:
I hadn’t thought about his movements as ‘tacking’ before. What a great analogy! That’s my (our) boy!